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Bug Central gives Yorba Linda termites the boot.

Regular termite inspection and maintenance for your home or business puts up a shield against termite attacks and gives you peace of mind. At Bug Central we specialize in the use of low toxicity termite control treatment methods and products to keep your property safe. Our Yorba Linda termite inspection and control service is a must to keep termites from spreading and causing costly termite damage.

Bug Central gives Yorba Linda termite control customers special pricing and benefits:

  • Lower pricing because we love the city of Yorba Linda.
  • Our technicians are frequently working in Yorba Linda and will work around your schedule.
  • Affordable pricing on termite treatments and repairs.

Yorba Linda Termite Control Service Zones

Yorba Linda, 92885 | Yorba Linda, 92886 | Yorba Linda, 92887